Fr Guy de Gaynesford STL

Catechism of the Catholic Church 1 – ST PAUL REPOSITORY

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Catechism of the Catholic Church Section 1: 19 – I believe in life everlasting Part 2 (1033-1065) by Fr Guy de Gaynesford

• May 13, 2013

Episodi recenti

May 13, 2013

Catechism of the Catholic Church Section 1: 19 – I believe in life everlasting Part 2 (1033-1065) by Fr Guy de Gaynesford

May 4, 2013

Catechism of the Catholic Church Section 1: 18 – I believe in life everlasting Part 1 (1020-1032) by Fr Guy de Gaynesford

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Catechism of the Catholic Church Section 1: 17 – I believe in the resurrection of the body (963-1019) by Fr Guy de Gaynesford

Apr 16, 2013

Catechism of the Catholic Church Section 1: 16 – The Church is Communion (914-962) by Fr Guy de Gaynesford

Apr 8, 2013

Catechism of the Catholic Church Section 1: 15 – The Church is Apostolic (857-913) by Fr Guy de Gaynesford

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