
#nntech podcast

Esplora intuizioni innovative dall'industria Fintech attraverso interviste coinvolgenti con imprenditori e vivaci discussioni su strumenti che migliorano il piacere e la soddisfazione lavorativa.

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#nntech ep 5: Tyler Crowley, founder of STHLM TECH, on how to pitch your startup and startup growth

75 mins • Dec 2, 2016

Episodi recenti

Dec 2, 2016

#nntech ep 5: Tyler Crowley, founder of STHLM TECH, on how to pitch your startup and startup growth

75 mins

Nov 18, 2016

#nntech ep 4: Andreas Vural, founder of Happy Plugs, on asking “why?”, and a women-first approach

63 mins

Oct 24, 2016

#nntech ep 3: Natalia Brzezinski on fearlessness, life after death & marrying robots

42 mins

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