Sintonizzati ogni settimana per riassunti e discussioni approfondite sui Mining City Tommyknockers, con giocatori e allenatori che condividono le loro esperienze e strategie.
The Final Episode: Why was the Rest of the Season Canceled?
55 mins • Aug 3, 2021
- 8Decreased by 2
- 63Decreased by 1
Episodi recenti

Aug 3, 2021
The Final Episode: Why was the Rest of the Season Canceled?
55 mins

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Episode 7: Judah Wilbur (Short-Stop) and Miles Hartsfield (Second Baseman/Left Fielder).
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Aug 1, 2021
Episode 6: Mike Opel (PA Announcer) and Arturo Morales (Intern)
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Jul 25, 2021
Episode 5: Zach Camp (Pitcher) and Drew Leonard (Pitcher)
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Jul 20, 2021
Episode 4: Jeremy Husband (Pitcher) and Tyler King (Play-by-Play Announcer)
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