Robert Cigliano

The New Pilot PodBlog

Unisciti a un giovane pilota privato mentre condivide le sue esperienze e intuizioni nell'aviazione generale. Perfetto per aspiranti piloti e appassionati di aviazione!

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Episodi recenti

Oct 22, 2012

Wreaths Across America

Aug 30, 2012

The New PilodPodBlog Ep26 - Flying Careers with Carl Valeri

Jun 30, 2012

The New PilodPodBlog Ep25 - The Wakatipu Aero Club & Mountain Flying in New Zealand

Feb 19, 2012

The New Pilot PodBlog Ep #24 - Flying the Hudson Corridor with Dave

Dec 27, 2011

The New Pilot PodBlog Ep #23 - My Third Anniversary and a Look Back at 2011

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