Redmond Scales

The Rookie Researcher Podcast

Unisciti a ricercatori post-laurea mentre condividono intuizioni sui loro progetti e le difficoltà che affrontano in un ambiente rilassato, favorendo discussioni coinvolgenti con gli ascoltatori.

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Draft 6: Left-Right Politics

S1 E6 • 35 mins • Nov 26, 2020

Episodi recenti

Nov 26, 2020

Draft 6: Left-Right Politics

S1 E6 • 35 mins

Nov 12, 2020

Draft 5: Agonistic Transitional Justice

S1 E5 • 34 mins

Oct 28, 2020

Draft 4: Securitisation Through Social Media

S1 E4 • 26 mins

Oct 21, 2020

Draft 3: A Marxist Conception of Rights

E3 • 62 mins

Oct 14, 2020

Draft 2: ISIS Brides

E2 • 37 mins

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