Simply London

Moving to London 101

Un podcast utile per coloro che stanno considerando un trasloco a Londra, che offre preziose informazioni e consigli da Simply London, una delle migliori agenzie di relocation della città.

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Can you rent in London without a bank account?

S1 E8 • 2 mins • May 16, 2021

Episodi recenti

May 16, 2021

Can you rent in London without a bank account?

S1 E8 • 2 mins

May 16, 2021

Can you rent in London without a visa?

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May 16, 2021

Do rental leases always start on the first of the month in London?

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May 16, 2021

How long are tenancy agreements in London?

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May 16, 2021

Are furnished rental properties more expensive than unfurnished ones?

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