Edwin Hermann

Boys of Tech

Unisciti a discussioni sulle ultime notizie tecnologiche con Edwin Hermann e il suo panel. Questo podcast offre nuove intuizioni sulla scena tech della Nuova Zelanda.

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Boys of Tech 383: They hold their cards close to their chest

6 mins • Aug 14, 2016

Episodi recenti

Aug 14, 2016

Boys of Tech 383: They hold their cards close to their chest

6 mins

Jul 14, 2016

Boys of Tech 382: People wandering around almost like zombies

11 mins

Jun 14, 2016

Boys of Tech 381: Trolling the FBI

12 mins

May 31, 2016

Boys of Tech 380: Audio emojis

9 mins

May 22, 2016

Boys of Tech 379: A really horrible experience

10 mins

Nuova Zelanda
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