
How Are You Today?

Unisciti a una vivace chiacchierata con amici di diversi background, condividendo storie e risate. Sintonizzati per ispirazione e una dose di divertimento che amerai in seguito!

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#14 - Attitude, Platinum Rule, other topics related to Human interactions from Vira’s perspective.

S1 E14 • 63 mins • Jan 31, 2021

Episodi recenti

Jan 31, 2021

#14 - Attitude, Platinum Rule, other topics related to Human interactions from Vira’s perspective.

S1 E14 • 63 mins

Dec 27, 2020

#13 - A young lady who runs her business with a cause; Treat and Initiative for Sumba.

S1 E13 • 48 mins

Dec 13, 2020

#12 - Coffee Talk with the Coffee Expert; Doddy Samsura - Barista Terbaik Indonesia.

S1 E12 • 60 mins

Nov 28, 2020

#11 - Young GM who grasps positivity from everywhere, who adores his father as his True Leader.

S1 E11 • 55 mins

Nov 21, 2020

#10 - Travel Blogger yg lg ga bisa traveling; skg menemukan hal2 menyenangkan yg dilakukan di rumah.

S1 E10 • 50 mins

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