Rick and Sydney Sanchez

Seven Minutes To Bedtime

Esplora quei momenti fugaci prima di andare a letto, quando conversazioni sincere accendono curiosità e connessione, rivelando intuizioni che restano a lungo dopo che le luci si spengono.

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Weekly Recap 2/12

9 mins • Feb 12, 2016

Episodi recenti

Feb 12, 2016

Weekly Recap 2/12

9 mins

Feb 11, 2016

He's our friend, he's ok with it.

9 mins

Feb 10, 2016

You don't embarrass me.

6 mins

Feb 9, 2016

I suppose that's a good idea because you don't want to look like a jackass.

7 mins

Feb 8, 2016

Why would you want your head to look like a stop sign?

7 mins

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