iMEdD Podcasts

Gen Z and Media

Scopri come la Gen Z vede e plasma i media attraverso podcast coinvolgenti creati da studenti. Esplora argomenti come musica, relazioni, attivismo e salute mentale.

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18. TrendIt - Social Media and Mental Health

• Mar 8, 2023

Episodi recenti

Mar 8, 2023

18. TrendIt - Social Media and Mental Health

Mar 8, 2023

17. ADnalysts - Significant others and the media

Mar 8, 2023

16. Creativity Crew - Start-ups through GenZ’s eyes

Mar 8, 2023

15. Otherview - How GenZ is using audio to hear and be heard?

Mar 8, 2023

14. Infinity Team - The Cancel Culture Discourse

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