Susie Prout

The Australian Breastfeeding Podcast

Unisciti a Susie Prout mentre chiacchiera con le neomamme sulle loro esperienze di allattamento, affrontando sfide, suggerimenti e supporto per le mamme in attesa e quelle nuove.

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Episodi recenti

Sep 27, 2023

55. 'Ask Susie' catching letdown - the do's and the don'ts.

S55 10 mins

Sep 12, 2023

54. Ask Susie 'Why do some babies feed 2 hourly or less and other babies can last more than 3 hours?

E54 • 11 mins

Sep 6, 2023

53. 'Ask Susie' - why do I feel like I don't have enough milk for my 4 month old baby?

E53 • 12 mins

May 29, 2021

52. Emily's tongue tie story

E52 • 13 mins

Apr 10, 2021

51. Belinda's story - mastitis, tongue ties and a beautiful breastfeeding journey

E51 • 19 mins
