
The New American Veteran Program

Questa no-profit supporta i veterani nel reinserimento nella vita civile, valorizzando le competenze delle Operazioni Speciali e aiutando le aziende a riconoscerle.

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Ranger Veteran Larry Moores and the Gary Gordon Medal of Honor Memorial

56 mins • Feb 3, 2015

Episodi recenti

Feb 3, 2015

Ranger Veteran Larry Moores and the Gary Gordon Medal of Honor Memorial

56 mins

Jan 13, 2015

The Reaper - Author and Ranger Veteran Nicholas Irving

60 mins

Dec 9, 2014

Madison Rising - Music That Means Something

51 mins

Dec 2, 2014

Military Justice Attorneys

71 mins

Nov 11, 2014

Chris Bemiss, US Army Ranger Veteran

63 mins

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