Sons of Heresy

Sons of Heresy | A Warhammer 30K Horus Heresy Podcast

Unisciti a Jonny, Jason e Brendan per un podcast divertente in cui chiacchierano del loro hobby preferito mentre condividono risate e storie nel loro viaggio verso Terra!

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SOH Corona special 1: Mechwarrior Rodeo

134 mins • May 18, 2020

Episodi recenti

May 18, 2020

SOH Corona special 1: Mechwarrior Rodeo

134 mins

Mar 24, 2020

28 Turns Later

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Feb 15, 2020

Cane toads to Thramas

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Feb 2, 2020

Operation Raspberry Periwinkle

175 mins

Feb 17, 2019

Tiny Titans and the never ending episode

280 mins

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