Alexandria Cox

Daily Affirmations With Alexandria Cox

Scopri affermazioni quotidiane edificanti che danno potere alle donne per raggiungere il successo in vari aspetti della vita. Trasforma la tua mentalità e abbraccia nuove possibilità.

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I am proud of myself, my accomplishments and how far I've come

2 mins • Jun 30, 2020

Episodi recenti

Jun 30, 2020

I am proud of myself, my accomplishments and how far I've come

2 mins

Jun 29, 2020

I am completely safe in all of my relationships

2 mins

Jun 28, 2020

I feel fully supported by those around me

2 mins

Jun 27, 2020

Everything happens for my highest good

2 mins

Jun 26, 2020

My partner is the love of my life. We adore each other

2 mins

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