Unisciti a Tony Frye ogni giorno feriale mentre esplora una canzone dei The Kinks o dei Beatles, offrendo approfondimenti sulla sua storia, sugli elementi musicali e sulle critiche moderne.
Now and Then by The Beatles
56 mins • Nov 7, 2023
- 199Decreased by 4
- 139Decreased by 64
- 159Decreased by 42
- 125Decreased by 21
- 130Decreased by 4
Episodi recenti

Nov 7, 2023
Now and Then by The Beatles
56 mins

May 24, 2022
Nothing to Say by The Kinks
10 mins

May 23, 2022
Monkberry Moon Delight by Paul McCartney
10 mins

May 12, 2022
Young and Innocent Days by The Kinks
13 mins

May 11, 2022
Heart of the Country by Paul McCartney
13 mins

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