Dr. Binoy N J

Dr. Binoy's Psychology Classroom

Esplora lezioni di psicologia coinvolgenti che coprono argomenti chiave per studenti ed educatori, perfette per la preparazione agli esami e per migliorare le abilità di insegnamento.

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Dr. Binoy's Psychology Classroom: Triarchic Theory of Intelligence by Robert Sternberg

S1 E3 • 16 mins • May 14, 2020


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Episodi recenti

May 14, 2020

Dr. Binoy's Psychology Classroom: Triarchic Theory of Intelligence by Robert Sternberg

S1 E3 • 16 mins

May 11, 2020

Dr. Binoy's Psychology Classroom: Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner.

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May 9, 2020

Dr. Binoy's Psychology Classroom: Psychometric Theoeies of Intelligence

S1 E1 • 0 mins

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