Cambridge University

The State of the Universe - Stephen Hawking 70th Birthday Symposium

Unisciti ai principali scienziati mentre celebrano l'eredità di Stephen Hawking in un simposio incentrato sui buchi neri, la cosmologia e la fisica fondamentale a Cambridge, Regno Unito.

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Bruce Allen. The Einstein@Home search for gravitational waves and neutron stars

38 mins • Mar 21, 2012

Episodi recenti

Mar 21, 2012

Bruce Allen. The Einstein@Home search for gravitational waves and neutron stars

38 mins

Mar 21, 2012

Andrew Strominger. Microscopic Realization of the dS/CFT Correspondence

47 mins

Mar 21, 2012

Alexander Vilenkin. Did the universe have a beginning?

40 mins

Mar 21, 2012

Andrei Linde. Inflation in supergravity and string theory

40 mins

Mar 20, 2012

Alan Guth. Eternal Inflation and Its Implications.

42 mins

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