Clifford Stumme


Unisciti a Clifford Stumme mentre esplora hobby e stili di vita affascinanti che accendono la passione. Incontra persone entusiaste e scopri cosa alimenta le loro ossessioni.

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10. The Reason Pokemon Cards Sell for $150,000 (But I Can't Find Any)

S1 42 mins • Jun 2, 2021

Episodi recenti

Jun 2, 2021

10. The Reason Pokemon Cards Sell for $150,000 (But I Can't Find Any)

S1 42 mins

May 12, 2021

9. Bye-bye Social Media? Giving into the Fear of Missing Out

S1 36 mins

Apr 21, 2021

8. Dungeons and Dragons and the Fear of Playing Pretend

S1 41 mins

Mar 31, 2021

7. Why Americans (and Everyone Else) Love the Royal Family

S1 46 mins

Mar 10, 2021

6. Could Speed Rubik’s Cubing Change Your Life?

S1 38 mins

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