Maria Grazia Tundo 5^

From the Victorian Age to the Modern Age

Unisciti a Maria Grazia Tundo mentre presenta letture coinvolgenti di saggi letterari tratti dai libri di testo delle scuole superiori, offrendo approfondimenti sulle prospettive degli studenti.

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"Eveline" by Joyce (Summary and analysis)

5 mins • Mar 25, 2016


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Episodi recenti

Mar 25, 2016

"Eveline" by Joyce (Summary and analysis)

5 mins

Jun 22, 2014

Charles Dickens

3 mins

Jun 14, 2014

Room of One's Own by V. Woolf

7 mins

Jun 7, 2014

G. Orwell: Politics and the English Language

13 mins

May 10, 2014

White Noise by Don DeLillo

7 mins

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