Nita Rao

Lost in Mexico

Unisciti a Nita Rao mentre svela gli aspetti meno conosciuti della cultura messicana attraverso conversazioni approfondite, mettendo in mostra le storie e le esperienze diverse della sua gente.

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Cultural Appropriation & Mexican Food (Pt. 2: Food, Race, and Power)

S1 E7 • 27 mins • May 6, 2021

Episodi recenti

May 6, 2021

Cultural Appropriation & Mexican Food (Pt. 2: Food, Race, and Power)

S1 E7 • 27 mins

Apr 6, 2021

Vicente Fox, Ex-President of Mexico, on the Drug War, President López Obrador, and the Migrant Surge

S1 E6 • 51 mins

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