Andrea Cantin

The Blooming Human

Scopri storie di sostenibilità che ti riconnettono con la natura e ispirano uno stile di vita consapevole. Unisciti a noi per motivazione e spunti utili.

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Ep 24. The impact of materials in the fashion industry ft. Jenah St.

27 mins • Mar 23, 2021

Episodi recenti

Mar 23, 2021

Ep 24. The impact of materials in the fashion industry ft. Jenah St.

27 mins

Mar 16, 2021

Ep 23. Faire de la seconde main la première mode ft. Bon Magasinage / Making second hand the first fashion ft. Bon Magasinage

28 mins

Mar 9, 2021

Ep 22. Conscious products for a conscious living ft. The Unscented Company

27 mins

Feb 23, 2021

Ep 21. Retrouver nos origines en mangeant local et en saison grâce à Arrivage / Getting back to our roots by eating local and in-season thanks to Arrivage

33 mins

Feb 2, 2021

Ep 20. Sustainable Kingston: A non-profit making a city and its businesses more sustainable

18 mins

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