Questo programma offre 12 storie coinvolgenti con illustrazioni, aiutando i giovani studenti a migliorare le loro abilità di lettura e vocabolario tramite esperienze audio interattive.
Story 1: Time to Go
2 mins • Aug 1, 2007
- 75Decreased by 11
- 165Decreased by 5
- 179Decreased by 1
- 145Decreased by 8
- 144Decreased by 5
Episodi recenti

Aug 1, 2007
Story 1: Time to Go
2 mins

Aug 1, 2007
Story 2: The Pet Store
2 mins

Aug 1, 2007
Story 3: A Pair
2 mins

Aug 1, 2007
Story 4: Up and Down
2 mins

Aug 1, 2007
Story 5: Where Does It Sleep?
2 mins

Stati Uniti
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