B. Alan Wallace

Fall 2014 Shamatha, Vipashyana, Dream Yoga

Unisciti a un arricchente ritiro di otto settimane che esplora pratiche chiave di meditazione, yoga del sogno e insegnamenti profondi radicati nella saggezza antica per la trasformazione personale.

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04 The Culmination of Mindfulness of Breathing

• Aug 23, 2014

Episodi recenti

Aug 23, 2014

04 The Culmination of Mindfulness of Breathing

Aug 23, 2014

03 Continuing Mindfulness of Breathing

Aug 22, 2014

02 Mindfulness of Breathing

Aug 22, 2014

01 Settling the Body, Speech and Mind in its Natural State

Aug 21, 2014

00 Welcome and Introduction to the retreat

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