Simon Fraser University

SFU Vancouver [HD Video]

Esplora presentazioni e conferenze coinvolgenti dal campus di Vancouver della Simon Fraser University, che mettono in mostra eventi importanti e intuizioni provenienti da vari settori.

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1960's Vancouver: Music, Mini-skirts and Revolution

86 mins • Oct 22, 2011

Episodi recenti

Oct 22, 2011

1960's Vancouver: Music, Mini-skirts and Revolution

86 mins

Oct 19, 2011

Crime of the Century: The Failure to Prevent the Lead Poisoning Pandemic

88 mins

Sep 10, 2011

The Crusades: What Were They and Why Are They Still Relevant?

77 mins

Mar 17, 2011

:: SFU NEWS :: The New Face of the Middle East

3 mins

Mar 11, 2011

Noel Isherwood: London Urban Morphology

72 mins

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