Voice of Real Australia

Forgotten River

Esplora la ricca storia del fiume Darling e le comunità che dipendono da esso. Questa serie mette in evidenza la lotta urgente per proteggere questa via d'acqua vitale e il suo significato culturale.

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What's killing our Snow Gums, and more stories from Voice of Real Australia

30 mins • Nov 10, 2021

Episodi recenti

Nov 10, 2021

What's killing our Snow Gums, and more stories from Voice of Real Australia

30 mins

Sep 15, 2021

Episode 4: There's money in mud

36 mins

Sep 15, 2021

Episode 3: Where will the river people go?

33 mins

Sep 15, 2021

Episode 2: Piggy in the middle

37 mins

Sep 15, 2021

Episode 1: Dead fish and an empty lake

40 mins

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