Gyanesh Maurya

Business Communication And An Introducation.

Meaning:communication, in common language refers refers to exchange of ideas between any two person are exchange of some information and or knowledge. The process of of communication start from birth itself. The objective of any language is to communicate. The word communication has been derived from latin word communico which means to distribute are share something. Thus, communication is a two way process. Which country was human evolution the nature and the type of communication has also been changing in verbally from the earliest medium of communication and medium and exchange information that is use of of wood and leaves to the present day medium and exchange of information that is is language , script,printing press, radio , film , telephone,television,satellite, internet,mobile etc. Is the result of unlimited and ever increasing want of human being which ultimately lead to the continuously increasing in verified media of communication. Each and every living being on earth uses some other form of communication process; but it is only human who possess the capability of communicating the message in an effective manner. Communication is an art and those who has clean this art make themselves more impressive and thereby become successful professional. According to Matthew says that 8 communication is something so simple and different that we can never put in simple words. Communication is the lifeblood of any business communication. The process of retention and termination of an employee in the organisation depend largely on communication acid provide information about external and internal activities to the organisation which can be either favourable and unfavourable to the organisation. Business objective of organisation can achieve by collective efforts, which is possible only through exchange of facts , thoughts, opinions or emotions of persons working in that organisation also included.

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