Salon Mix

Salon Mix

Scopri storie e conversazioni che evidenziano le persone e le tendenze che plasmano la nostra cultura, partecipando a discussioni che riflettono le nostre esperienze.

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Donald Trump isn't "crazy" — but America might be having a breakdown

19 mins • Sep 27, 2017

Episodi recenti

Sep 27, 2017

Donald Trump isn't "crazy" — but America might be having a breakdown

19 mins

Aug 16, 2017

"They came for the nerd girls first": The price of ignoring Gamergate

13 mins

Jun 21, 2017

Why Trump voters will stand by their man

13 mins

Jun 7, 2017

Can video games promote empathy?

11 mins

May 24, 2017

The case for Donald Trump's impeachment

17 mins

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