
it's time y'all

Unisciti a noi per un podcast rilassato dove condividiamo storie e intuizioni dei nostri vent'anni. Riflettiamo sulle esperienze di vita e connettiamoci attraverso conversazioni significative.

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major transitional time: your future self is terrifying, how I'm navigating change, feeling like you don't belong, moving out?

34 mins • Jul 17, 2022

Episodi recenti

Jul 17, 2022

major transitional time: your future self is terrifying, how I'm navigating change, feeling like you don't belong, moving out?

34 mins

Mar 29, 2022

stop running on the hamster wheel, and enjoy your life... oh and this is the last episode of the podcast

25 mins

Mar 15, 2022

I'm a girls girl and my friends are all relationship people

23 mins

Mar 1, 2022

turning 21 didn't feel like much, and I'm grieving that

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Feb 15, 2022

met my internet best friend and recorded an episode in the car ft. Beyonce Kaye

42 mins

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