Adam Heard

Blood, Sweat & Tongs

Unisciti a Adam Heard mentre si collega con i migliori chef e esperti del settore, esplorando le sfide e i trionfi che stanno plasmando il panorama culinario di oggi.

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125 - Bob Kramer of Kramer Knives, making the best knives in the world...

E125 • 66 mins • May 20, 2021

Episodi recenti

May 20, 2021

125 - Bob Kramer of Kramer Knives, making the best knives in the world...

E125 • 66 mins

May 6, 2021

124 - Chef Anthony Lopinto on Biodynamic farming, the Heard Initiative and more...

E124 • 70 mins

Apr 22, 2021

123 - Chef Massimo Capra - From Italy to Canada, a Toronto Icon!

E123 • 82 mins

Apr 6, 2021

122 - Monday Mirepoix - The dirt on what's been going on with me!

E122 • 41 mins

Mar 1, 2021

121 - Chef Spencer Watts - His career in Food TV, the perils of the pandemic and more

E121 • 74 mins

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