Plus Publications

Learn German by Podcast

Questo podcast è perfetto per chiunque desideri imparare il tedesco, offrendo nuove intuizioni e strategie efficaci per studenti ed educatori. Unisciti alla conversazione!

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20 'Shall we go out this evening?'

11 mins • May 24, 2011

Episodi recenti

May 24, 2011

20 'Shall we go out this evening?'

11 mins

May 24, 2011

19 Talking about the weather

12 mins

May 24, 2011

18 'What would you like to eat this evening?...'

11 mins

May 24, 2011

17 'Excuse me... could you recommend a good restaurant, please?...'

9 mins

May 24, 2011

16 A trip to the baker's

10 mins

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