Kosmos School

Kosmos with a K

Unisciti a conversazioni coinvolgenti sulla realtà virtuale con Can, co-fondatore della Kosmos School, mentre parla con ospiti sulla creazione di giochi educativi VR emozionanti e innovativi.

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#12 Matthaeus Krenn (VR-OS) on developing new user interfaces for VR and AR

S1 E12 • 92 mins • Aug 19, 2020


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Episodi recenti

Aug 19, 2020

#12 Matthaeus Krenn (VR-OS) on developing new user interfaces for VR and AR

S1 E12 • 92 mins

May 10, 2020

#11 Shane Harris (SideQuest) on the future of SideQuest and helping developers succeed

S1 E11 • 71 mins

Apr 8, 2020

#10 Rosie Summers (VR artist) on how to get started with VR art and what its future looks like

S1 E10 • 53 mins

Mar 11, 2020

#9 Lucas Rizzotto (Where Thoughts Go) on social platforms in VR and using AR to augment human interactions

S1 E9 • 64 mins

Mar 2, 2020

#8 Brandy Goodrick (VR Horseback Riding Sim) on reducing motion sickness, the importance of VR events and more

S1 E8 • 72 mins

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