Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge

EU Internet Regulation After Google Spain

La conferenza alla Cambridge Law ha analizzato l'impatto del "diritto all'oblio" sulle leggi future sulla protezione dei dati e le responsabilità dei motori di ricerca.

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'Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Beyond after Google Spain': Brendan Van Alsenoy

14 mins • Apr 17, 2015

Episodi recenti

Apr 17, 2015

'Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Beyond after Google Spain': Brendan Van Alsenoy

14 mins

Apr 15, 2015

'The General Shape of EU Internet Regulation After Google Spain': David Smith

16 mins

Apr 15, 2015

'The General Shape of EU Internet Regulation After Google Spain': Hugh Tomlinson

14 mins

Apr 15, 2015

'Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Beyond after Google Spain': Christian Wiese Svanberg

16 mins

Apr 15, 2015

'Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Beyond after Google Spain': Johannes Caspar

22 mins

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