Exeter Marine

Scientists at Sea

Unisciti ai ricercatori marini dell'Università di Exeter mentre discutono vari argomenti relativi al nostro ambiente oceanico. Dai un'occhiata alle note dello spettacolo sul loro blog marino!

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The Theraputic Benefits of Nature and Virtual Reality - with Alex Smalley

24 mins • Nov 3, 2020

Episodi recenti

Nov 3, 2020

The Theraputic Benefits of Nature and Virtual Reality - with Alex Smalley

24 mins

May 17, 2020

Becoming a Marine Biologist - with Lauren Henly, Emma Weschke and Tim Gordon

42 mins

May 3, 2020

Fisheries and the SOPHIE Project - with Dr. Rebecca Short

13 mins

Apr 26, 2020

Arctic Terns, Basking Sharks & Bluefin Tuna - with Dr. Lucy Hawkes

25 mins

Apr 20, 2020

The European Centre for Environment and Human Health - with Prof. Lora Fleming

18 mins

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