Mijan Middya

Bengali Storytelling

Scopri nuove esperienze ascoltando vari tipi di storie in lingua bengalese, come racconti di fantasmi, detective e commedia. Tutti i meriti delle storie vanno agli autori.

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Bhul R Thik apni amake likhe janan ..amr bola golpo apnake kamon lage ?

2 mins • Jun 20, 2020

Episodi recenti

Jun 20, 2020

Bhul R Thik apni amake likhe janan ..amr bola golpo apnake kamon lage ?

2 mins

Jun 6, 2020

Chander pahar | Mountain of the moon | Lekhok Bibhutibhushon Bandapadhaya | Ep -3

S1 E3 • 33 mins

Jun 6, 2020

Chander pahar | Mountain of the moon | Lekhok Bibhutibhushon Bandapadhaya Ep-2

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Jun 5, 2020

Bengali Storytelling (Trailer)

0 mins

Jun 5, 2020

Chander pahar | Mountain of the moon | Lekhok Bibhutibhushon Bandapadhaya | Ep - 1

S1 E1 • 41 mins

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