Glasgow Centre for Population Health Podcast
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GCPH seminar series 2: - Prof Andrew Steptoe - 'How Stress Gets Under Your Skin: Psychobiological Studies of Social Status, Stress and Health'
80 mins • Oct 24, 2005
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Episodi recenti

Oct 24, 2005
GCPH seminar series 2: - Prof Andrew Steptoe - 'How Stress Gets Under Your Skin: Psychobiological Studies of Social Status, Stress and Health'
80 mins

May 16, 2005
GCPH seminar series 1: - Maureen O'Hara PhD - 'Minding the Future'
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Apr 4, 2005
GCPH seminar series 1: - Prof Lord Richard Layard - 'Happiness'
103 mins

Feb 23, 2005
GCPH seminar series 1: - Sholom Glouberman PhD - 'Changing Ideas; Changing Health'
95 mins

Nov 24, 2004
GCPH seminar series 1: - Prof AC Grayling - 'Imagine the Perfect Polis: Creating Health in the City'
66 mins

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