- 1Increased by 0Junior Rostirola
Café Com Deus Pai | Podcast oficial
宗教/スピリチュアル - 2Increased by 0Déia Freitas
Não Inviabilize
コメディ - 3Increased by 1Chico Felitti & Beatriz Trevisan
De Saída - A Vida Fora da Internet
恋愛関係 - 4Decreased by 1Joel Jota
Jota Jota Podcast
ビジネス - 5Increased by 0Rogério Vilela
Inteligência Ltda.
コメディ・インタビュー - 6Increased by 1Alana Anijar
Psicologia na Prática
自己啓発 - 7Decreased by 1G1
O Assunto
ニュース - 8Increased by 0Wondery
Modus Operandi
事件/犯罪 - 9Increased by 1Regina Giannetti, B9
Autoconsciente Podcast
メンタルヘルス - 10Increased by 7Globoplay
Projeto Humanos: O Piloto
社会/文化 - 11Decreased by 2Grupo Primo
Os Sócios Podcast
ビジネス - 12Increased by 0Agência Pública
Caso K - A história oculta do fundador da Casas Bahia
社会/文化 - 13Decreased by 2Jovem Nerd
社会/文化 - 14Increased by 0Alexandre Coimbra Amaral
Cartas de um Terapeuta
メンタルヘルス - 15Decreased by 2Petit Journal
Petit Journal
ニュース - 16Decreased by 1Podpah
コメディ・インタビュー - 17Increased by 2Agência de Podcast
História em Meia Hora
歴史 - 18Increased by 4Grupo Flow
Flow Podcast
自己啓発 - 19Increased by 1waffle 🧇
the news ☕️
今日のニュース - 20Increased by 6Rádio Novelo
Rádio Novelo Apresenta
ドキュメンタリー - 21Increased by 2Camila Fremder
É nóia minha?
社会/文化 - 22Decreased by 4Marcela Ceribelli
Bom dia, Obvious
社会/文化 - 23Increased by 1TICARACATICAST
コメディ・インタビュー - 24Decreased by 8Globoplay
Operação Prato
ドキュメンタリー - 25Increased by 7G4 Educação
G4 Podcasts: Gestão e Alta Performance
マネージメント - 26Increased by 7Tomás Chiaverini
Rádio Escafandro
ドキュメンタリー - 27Increased by 4Estúdios Flow
Ciência Sem Fim
科学 - 28Decreased by 3Jaqueline Guerreiro
Quinta Misteriosa
事件/犯罪 - 29Increased by 1Rádio Novelo
Fio da Meada
社会/文化 - 30Decreased by 9Central 3 Podcasts
Medo e Delírio em Brasília
政治 - 31Increased by 16Tiago Brunet
宗教/スピリチュアル - 32Decreased by 3Ciência Suja
Ciência Suja
科学 - 33Increased by 7Cláudio Moreno & Filipe Speck
Noites Gregas
社会/文化 - 34Increased by 3CBN
Academia CBN - Mario Sergio Cortella
社会/文化 - 35Decreased by 8floatvibes
vibes em análise
社会/文化 - 36Increased by 2Duolingo
Histórias em Inglês com Duolingo
教育 - 37Decreased by 9Gilson da Silva Pupo Azevedo
Frei Gilson Podcast - Oficial
キリスト教 - 38Decreased by 4Folha de S. Paulo
Meu Inconsciente Coletivo
恋愛関係 - 39Increased by 19Jesuscopy
JesusCopy Podcast
宗教/スピリチュアル - 40Decreased by 1Leitura ObrigaHISTÓRIA
História FM
歴史 - 41Increased by 4Caio Carneiro
Como Você Fez Isso?
ビジネス - 42Increased by 0Market Makers
Market Makers
投資 - 43Increased by 3BBC Brasil
歴史 - 44Increased by 4B9
ビジネス - 45Increased by 7Calma Urgente
Calma Urgente
政治 - 46Increased by 19BBC Radio
Learning English Conversations
言語学習 - 47Decreased by 11Grupo Primo
Os Economistas Podcast
投資 - 48Decreased by 7Wondery
Só no Brasil
事件/犯罪 - 49Decreased by 14Central 3 Podcasts
Xadrez Verbal
ニュース - 50Increased by 0piauí
Foro de Teresina
政治 - 51Increased by 8Inglês do Zero
Inglês do Zero
教育 - 52Decreased by 9Padre Paulo Ricardo
Christo Nihil Praeponere
宗教/スピリチュアル - 53Increased by 0Radio Batuta
Clarice Lispector: visões do esplendor
哲学 - 54Decreased by 10Natália Sousa
Para dar nome às coisas
社会/文化 - 55Decreased by 6Jovem Pan
コメディ - 56Increased by 8Wondery
A Grande Fúria do Mundo
哲学 - 57Increased by 5Do Vinil Ao Streaming
Do vinil ao streaming: 60 anos em 60 discos
音楽 - 58Decreased by 4Café Com Crime
Café Com Crime
事件/犯罪 - 59Decreased by 4InfoMoney
Do Zero ao Topo
ビジネス - 60Increased by 14Gshow
Conversa com Bial
社会/文化 - 61Decreased by 10UOL
Janja (UOL Prime)
ドキュメンタリー - 62Decreased by 1O Joio e O Trigo
Prato Cheio
ドキュメンタリー - 63Increased by 23B9
ニュース - 64Decreased by 8The Summer Hunter
社会/文化 - 65Increased by 19BBC Radio
6 Minute English
言語学習 - 66Increased by 9B9, Naruhodo, Ken Fujioka, Altay de Souza
社会科学 - 67Increased by 26Parasol Storytelling
社会/文化 - 68Increased by 4G1
G1 - Educação Financeira
ビジネス - 69Decreased by 12Casa do Saber
O Estranho Familiar, com Vera Iaconelli
恋愛関係 - 70Increased by 3CBN
ビジネス - 71Decreased by 4GNT
Que História É Essa, Porchat?
社会/文化 - 72Increased by 20BBC Brasil
BBC Investiga
個人ジャーナル - 73Increased by 16André Fernandes
André Fernandes
宗教/スピリチュアル - 74Increased by 9Estação Brasil
Estação Brasil
歴史 - 75Increased by 30Guilherme Facci
A loucura nossa de cada dia
社会/文化 - 76Increased by 3PORTA DOS FUNDOS
コメディ - 77Decreased by 14UOL
A Hora
政治 - 78Increased by 3Tecnoblog
テクノロジー - 79Decreased by 10Larry Go, Larry Be & Larry Snow
Elefantes na Neblina
社会/文化 - 80Decreased by 12InfoMoney
Stock Pickers
ビジネス - 81Decreased by 15Tatiana Daignault - Crimes e Mistérios Brasil
Café Crime e Chocolate
事件/犯罪 - 82Decreased by 4Hipsters Network
IA Sob Controle - Inteligência Artificial
テクノロジー - 83Decreased by 13TED
TED Talks Daily
教育 - 84Increased by 23Tim Barrett
Inglês Todos os Dias
categoriesApple.language-courses - 85Increased by 29Inspire-C
Inédita Pamonha
自己啓発 - 86Decreased by 9CBN
categoriesApple.news-and-politics - 87Decreased by 5UOL
Desculpa Alguma Coisa
社会/文化 - 88Increased by 0Globoplay
A Ditadura Recontada
歴史 - 89Decreased by 29Carol Camanho
Era Uma Vez Um Podcast
子どもの読みもの - 90Decreased by 10G1
Resumão Diário
今日のニュース - 91Decreased by 6Diva Depressão
Divã da Diva
コメディ・インタビュー - 92Increased by 24Brasil Paralelo
Brasil Paralelo | Podcast
社会/文化 - 94Increased by 0Joe Rogan
The Joe Rogan Experience
コメディ - 95Increased by 8Canal Brasil
Choque de Cultura - Ambiente de Música
コメディ - 96Increased by 24Sonoro | Shana Thompson
American English Podcast
言語学習 - 97Increased by 53UOL
UOL Prime
ニュース - 98Decreased by 22Rede Atlântida
Pretinho Básico
コメディ - 99Decreased by 12Agência Pública
Bom Dia, Fim do Mundo
ニュース解説 - 100Increased by 12Monja Coen
Despertar Zen
メンタルヘルス - 101Decreased by 2Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer Desfrutando a Vida Diária®
キリスト教 - 102Increased by 2PODDELAS
コメディ・インタビュー - 104Decreased by 13BBC World Service
Global News Podcast
今日のニュース - 105Increased by 30B9
テレビ番組/映画 - 106Increased by 3BandNews FM
O É da Coisa
政治 - 107Decreased by 17Estadão
Uma história americana
歴史 - 108Increased by 18Papelpop
Um Milkshake Chamado Wanda
コメディ - 109Decreased by 14CBN
Giro CBN
categoriesApple.news-and-politics - 110Decreased by 14Wondery
Caso Bizarro
事件/犯罪 - 111Increased by 2The New York Times
The Daily
今日のニュース - 112Decreased by 2Folha de S.Paulo
Ilustríssima Conversa
アート - 113Decreased by 2Folha de S.Paulo
A Mulher da Casa Abandonada
事件/犯罪 - 114Decreased by 43Mari e Rob
Fábrica de Crimes
事件/犯罪 - 115Increased by 8Me Conte Uma Fofoca
Me conte uma fofoca
エンターテインメントニュース - 116Decreased by 15UOL
Posse de Bola
サッカー - 117Decreased by 9Loop Infinito
Giro do Loop
テクノロジー - 118Increased by 134Ventos
Bíblia em um ano
キリスト教 - 119Decreased by 22CBN
categoriesApple.news-and-politics - 120Decreased by 20CBN
CBN Primeiras Notícias - Frederico Goulart
categoriesApple.news-and-politics - 121Increased by 4RESUMOCAST VENTURES
ResumoCast | Livros para Empreendedores
起業 - 122Increased by 23CBN
Rossandro Klinjey - O divã de todos nós
categoriesApple.self-help - 123Increased by 1CNN Brasil
Na Palma da Mari
社会/文化 - 124Decreased by 22Cinema com Rapadura
RapaduraCast - Podcast de Cinema e Streaming
テレビ番組/映画 - 125Increased by 17CBN
Pasquale Cipro Neto - A Nossa Língua de Todo Dia
教育 - 127Decreased by 12CBN
Panorama CBN
categoriesApple.news-and-politics - 128Decreased by 30Goalhanger
The Rest Is History
歴史 - 129Increased by 64Alura
Hipsters Ponto Tech
テクノロジー - 130Increased by 17Nexo Jornal
Durma com essa
ニュース - 131Increased by 35Papo de Vendedor
Papo de Vendedor | VENDAS, Gestão e Liderança!
マーケティング - 132Increased by 44MRG
Matando Robos Gigantes
社会/文化 - 133Decreased by 6Christian Gurtner
Escriba Cafe - a história da humanidade
歴史 - 135Decreased by 18Sofia Santino
コメディ - 136Increased by 41TEMPERO DRAG
社会/文化 - 137Increased by 61Lex Fridman
Lex Fridman Podcast
テクノロジー - 138Increased by 19Teacher Milena
Aprenda Inglês com música
言語学習 - 139Increased by 2DOAC
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
ビジネス - 140Decreased by 22Bibotalk
Bibotalk - Todos os podcasts
キリスト教 - 141Decreased by 8Joguei no Grupo
Joguei no Grupo
コメディ - 142Increased by 23Scicomm Media
Huberman Lab
健康/フィットネス - 143Increased by 12MacMagazine.com.br
MacMagazine no Ar
テクノロジー - 144NEWBBC Radio
Learning English Vocabulary
言語学習 - 145Increased by 54Lewis Howes
The School of Greatness
メンタルヘルス - 146Increased by 48Paulo Muzy
健康/フィットネス - 147Decreased by 3Globoplay
Sereno - Meditação e Relaxamento
健康/フィットネス - 148Decreased by 14Augustus Nicodemus
Augustus Nicodemus
キリスト教 - 149Decreased by 1Lorelay Fox
Podcast Para Tudo
レジャー - 150Increased by 21Educação em Meia Hora
Inglês em Meia Hora
言語学習 - 151Increased by 1BBC
Learning Easy English
言語学習 - 152Decreased by 20Conselhos que você pediu
Conselhos que você pediu
メンタルヘルス - 153Decreased by 31Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
教育 - 154NEWJohn R. Miles
Passion Struck with John R. Miles
代替療法 - 155NEWAmpère
Boa Noite Internet
哲学 - 156Decreased by 28Érika Miranda
Casos Reais
事件/犯罪 - 157Increased by 5Globoplay
Sambas Contados
音楽史 - 158Decreased by 28TED
How to Be a Better Human
自己啓発 - 159NEWAlana Azevedo e Raíla Azevedo
Helena, o podcast tá pronto
コメディ - 160Decreased by 21Pri Leite
Equilíbrio e Caos com Pri Leite
健康/フィットネス - 161Decreased by 24Gigahertz
Área de Transferência
技術ニュース - 162Decreased by 6Gazeta do Povo
Alexandre Garcia - Vozes - Gazeta do Povo
ニュース - 163Increased by 12Me Poupe!
教育 - 164Decreased by 24Guilherme Felitti
テクノロジー - 165Increased by 31O Antagonista
O Antagonista
政治 - 166Decreased by 15Hoy Hablamos
Hoy Hablamos: Podcast diario para aprender español - Learn Spanish Daily Podcast
言語学習 - 167Increased by 2Charla Podcast
Charla Podcast
スポーツ - 168Increased by 2Grupo Bandeirantes
Podcast Denílson Show
スポーツ - 169Decreased by 23Mundo Freak
Mundo Freak Confidencial
社会/文化 - 170NEWBruno Natal
ニュース解説 - 171NEWItaú BBA
Itaú Views Morning Call
投資 - 172NEWNarval
Audiobooks - Narval
教育 - 173NEWRafael Ferri
Café com Ferri - Podcast
起業 - 174NEWCBN
CBN Dinheiro - Marcelo d'Agosto
ビジネス - 175Decreased by 17Giu Tessitore
Em Busca da Rotina Perfeita, com Giu Tessitore
自己啓発 - 176Decreased by 16Tiago Rogero e Rádio Novelo
projeto Querino
歴史 - 177Decreased by 1099Vidas
99Vidas - Nostalgia e Videogames
ビデオゲーム - 178NEWZottis e Alexander
教育 - 179Decreased by 41Palestras Filosóficas Nova Acrópole
Palestras Filosóficas Nova Acrópole
哲学 - 180NEWGrupo Flow
Flow Games
ゲーム - 181Decreased by 20Mentemania
メンタルヘルス - 182Decreased by 28Jovem Nerd
Mau Acompanhado
社会/文化 - 183Decreased by 24Lindsay McMahon and Michelle Kaplan
All Ears English Podcast
言語学習 - 184Increased by 4Glauber Mendonça
Fala Glauber Podcast
レジャー - 185NEWRealLife English
RealLife English: Learn and Speak Confident, Natural English
言語学習 - 186Decreased by 37Thiago André
História Preta
歴史 - 187NEWShayna Oliveira
Espresso English Podcast
言語学習 - 188NEWBBC News
Learning English For Work
言語学習 - 189NEWPe. Eduardo Rocha
Oração da MANHÃ e da NOITE - Pe. Eduardo Rocha
宗教/スピリチュアル - 190NEWFamília JesusCopy
Família Jesuscopy
宗教/スピリチュアル - 191NEWESPN Brasil, Alex Tseng, Gustavo Hofman, Leonardo Bertozzi, Ubiratan Leal
Futebol no Mundo
サッカー - 192NEWCBN
Dia a Dia da Economia - Míriam Leitão
categoriesApple.news-and-politics - 193Decreased by 21ESPN Brasil
Linha de Passe
サッカー - 194Decreased by 58CBN
Vera Magalhães - Viva Voz
categoriesApple.news-and-politics - 195Decreased by 22Discoteca Básica Podcast
Discoteca Básica Podcast
音楽史 - 196Decreased by 4TV Cultura
Roda Viva
ニュース - 197Decreased by 44Marcelo Germano
Podcast Empresa Autogerenciável | Marcelo Germano
マネージメント - 198NEWEnglish in Brazil
English in Brazil Podcasts - sua dose de inglês a qualquer momento
言語学習 - 199Decreased by 20Angu de Grilo
Angu de Grilo
ニュース解説 - 200NEWClemilson Correia
Diário do Empreendedor