- 1Increased by 79Daniel Option
Daniel Option Podcast
- 2Increased by 87Practicing the Way
John Mark Comer Teachings
- 3Increased by 5ERF Jess / Sandra Erbach / Katrin Faludi
Heavenly Mental – Über Gott und die Psyche
- 4Decreased by 1Worthaus
Worthaus Podcast
- 5Increased by 77Guillaume
- 6Decreased by 1Frère Paul Adrien
La Bible en un an : le podcast chrétien
- 7NEWMichelle Engel und David Grüntjens
Frengels & Chef - Der Podcast
- 8Increased by 2Leben ist mehr
Leben ist mehr
- 9Increased by 180Bildungszentrum Bienenberg
- 10Increased by 39Vorwärtsleben
- 11Increased by 105Joseph Prince
New Creation TV Podcast mit Pastor Joseph Prince
- 12NEWPraiseCamp
PraiseCamp Podcast
- 13NEWJohannes Hartl
Betend Bibel lesen – bibletunes.de
- 14NEWFMG Region Zofingen
Podcast der FMG Zofingen
- 15NEWThe Davenant Institute
The Army of Friends Podcast
- 16NEWChad Holland
King of Kings Community Jerusalem
- 17NEWAmir Tsarfati
Behold Israel
- 18Decreased by 14Martin Benz
- 19Decreased by 3Tobias Faix & Thorsten Dietz
Karte und Gebiet
- 20Decreased by 19Detlef Kühlein
- 21NEWThe Thomistic Institute
The Thomistic Institute
- 22Increased by 61Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
Bibel in einem Jahr Classic
- 23Increased by 62Girls Gone Bible
Girls Gone Bible
- 24Decreased by 18ICF Zürich
ICF Zürich | Predigten
- 25Increased by 135kath.ch
Laut + Leis
- 26Decreased by 19REALMODEL PODCAST
RealModel Podcast
- 27Increased by 95Christus Zentrum Arche Elmshorn
Gedanken zur Tageslosung
- 28Increased by 19First Love Church HQ
First Love Church HQ
- 29Decreased by 17ERF Medien Schweiz / netzkloster
still.leben – der Podcast für christliche Meditation
- 30Increased by 167Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life® TV Audio Podcast
- 31Increased by 28Ryan Miller
Jesus People Podcast
- 32Increased by 100Kerstin Seeger (geb. ter Veen)
- 33Increased by 102Gerth Medien
Der Flügelverleih
- 34Increased by 93Tim Keller
Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life
- 35NEWChristliches Zentrum Bielefeld
Christliches Zentrum Bielefeld | Podcast
- 36NEWSimon Garrecht & David Krohn
Apologetik Projekt
- 37NEWBibelFinanz.de
Oh du heiliges Geld
- 38NEWFEG München Mitte
Der Pastoren-Podcast
- 39NEWBrian Hardin
1 Year Daily Audio Bible
- 40NEWFrères de Saint-Jean
Theo’Top - Méditation Évangile du jour
- 41NEWSchule von Tyrannus
Schule von Tyrannus mit Daniel Dwommoh
- 42NEWShe Reads Truth
She Reads Truth Podcast
- 43NEWNicky and Pippa Gumbel
Bibel in einem Jahr Express
- 44NEWDr. Michael S. Heiser
The Naked Bible Podcast
15 minutes de grâce et de vérité
- 46NEWJourneywomen Ministries
- 47NEWJulian Charles
The Mind Renewed : Thinking Christianly in a New World Order
- 48NEWBasil and Gonz
Canary Cry Radio
- 49NEWIrma Buela-Dias
- 50NEWJulie Cole, Dr. Rhonda Davis
Women in Ministry Leadership
- 51NEWKate Petry
Strong and Free Leaders
- 52NEWBrenda Leavenworth
When She Leads
- 53NEWERF - Der Sinnsender / Jörg Dechert / Uwe Heimowski
Wegfinder – Jesus folgen in einer komplexen Welt
- 54NEWERF - Der Sinnsender / Andi Weiss
Gib alles, nur nicht auf
- 55Increased by 47Bryce Crawford
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
- 56NEWERF - Der Sinnsender
ERF Mensch Gott
- 57Increased by 6Ascension
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
- 58NEWkatholisch.de
- 59Increased by 60PastorRick.com
Pastor Rick's Daily Hope
- 60NEWCandyRock
The Candace Cameron Bure Podcast
- 61Decreased by 35Sam
Bibel in einem Jahr: Deine Reise durch die Heilige Schrift
- 62Decreased by 60ERF Medien Schweiz
Fenstergespräch – Mutmachergeschichten aus dem Alltag
- 63Increased by 135Worthaus
Das Wort und das Fleisch
- 64NEWKonrad Blaser
Konrad Blaser Podcast (Schweizerdeutsch)
- 65Increased by 56Schleife Media
Stiftung Schleife
- 66NEWJohn Eldredge
Wild at Heart
- 67Increased by 85Inka Hammond
Tochter Gottes - Der Podcast
- 68NEWgms studen
Chäs, Brot, Wy - und mini Gschicht mit Gott
- 69NEWStasi Eldredge
- 70NEWERF - Der Sinnsender / Martin Buchholz
- 71NEWLeslie Ludy
Set Apart Podcast
Présenciel, un moment avec Jésus
- 73NEWGuillaume
- 74NEWSovereign Grace Music
Sound Plus Doctrine
- 75NEWEvelyn Hall | CEO of All Things Lovely Co., Christian, wife, Business owner & friend
Lovely Home Podcast | Home Management, Positive Mindset, Healthy Habits & Rhythms
- 76NEWSheila Nonato
Veil + Armour: Catholic Feminine Genius in Motherhood, Family & Holy through One Another
- 77NEWJT Follows JC
JT Follows JC
- 78NEWBiblical Counseling Coalition
15:14 - Biblical Counseling Coalition
- 79NEWMatthias Theis
- 81Decreased by 68ERF Medien Schweiz
glauben & denken – Gott suchen, Spiritualität leben
- 82Decreased by 57Emy Moore
Saved Not Soft
- 84Decreased by 53Strahan Coleman
Beholding Prayer
- 85Decreased by 42Jessica Koulianos
The Jessica Koulianos Podcast
- 87Increased by 68ERF - Der Sinnsender
ERF Plus - Wort zum Tag
- 88Increased by 73EMCI TV
Bonjour chez vous ! EMCI TV
- 90Decreased by 72Dag Heward-Mills
Dag Heward-Mills
- 91NEWEvelyne Baumberger
Unter freiem Himmel: Das Lagerfeuer für Nomaden-Christ:innen (RefLab)
- 92Decreased by 83Derek Prince
Derek Prince Ministries Podcast
- 93NEWJon Tyson
Church of the City New York
- 94Increased by 60ERF - Der Sinnsender
ERF Mensch Gott (Video)
À table avec Annabelle EMCI TV
- 96Increased by 57Ascension
Sunday Homilies with Fr. Mike Schmitz
- 97NEWFr. Joe Krupp, Catholic Priest
Joe In Black Ministries Podcast
- 98Increased by 95iHeartPodcasts
Elevation with Steven Furtick
- 99NEWLigonier Ministries
5 Minutes in Church History with Stephen Nichols
- 100NEWDr. Tripp Fuller
Homebrewed Christianity
Catéchèse du Père Mathieu 2022-2024 RADIO MARIA
- 102NEWReformierte Kirchgemeinde Auenstein
Evangelisch- Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Auenstein
- 103NEWAmerica Media
- 104NEWRainer Bucher
dieses eine leben
- 105NEWBellevue Media
Chronological Bible Journey Podcast
- 106NEWPregaudio
Chi sono i santi ?
- 107NEWElske Gödeke und Jule Grote
- 109Decreased by 55ERF Medien Schweiz
Glaubenssache – was glaubst du?
- 110Decreased by 24Gella
- 111Decreased by 21Donnersöhne
- 112Increased by 82Frère Paul Adrien
L'Évangile au jour le jour • commentaires quotidiens
- 113Increased by 7Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf, Nathanael Winkler, Norbert Lieth, Thomas Lieth, Samuel Rindlisbacher, Elia Morise, Fredy Peter, Roger Liebi, Philipp Ottenburg
- 114NEWICF München e.V.
ICF München | Podcast
- 115Decreased by 104Benny Hinn Ministries
Benny Hinn Ministries
- 116NEWEvangelium21
Evangelium21 Podcast
- 117Increased by 60Coram Deo Church
The Daily Liturgy Podcast
- 118NEWThat Sounds Fun Network
Kingdom Sexuality
- 119NEWJana&Jasmin
JANA&JASMIN – In Zeiten wie diesen...
- 120NEWTim Keller | Gospel in Life
Cultivating a Healthy Marriage with Tim Keller
- 121NEWDas offen.bar Team
- 122NEWChurchome
Churchome with Judah Smith
- 123NEWevangelische freikirche köln
- 124NEWMission Bible Church
Date Night With the Woods
- 125NEWKing's Cross Church
KXC Podcast
- 126NEWCentral Arts
Ach, Johann!
- 127NEWICF München e.V.
ICF München | Video-Podcast HD
- 128NEWDr. David Clarke
The Enough is Enough Podcast
- 129NEWAlbert Spengler
- 130NEWBibel
Bibel Podcast
- 131NEWradio horeb
Credo - Der Glaube der Kirche
- 132NEWICF Chur
ICF Chur I Predigten
- 133NEWDerrick Crosby
Warfare Prayers -The Morning Prayer Podcast
- 134NEWValo a Maťo
God Bless
- 135NEWJamie Donne + Heather Strong Moore
- 136NEWRay Bentley, Daniel Bentley
Maranatha Chapel
- 137Decreased by 91Jesuiten in Zentraleuropa
Einfach beten!
- 138Decreased by 57Bethel Redding
Bethel Redding Sermon of the Week
- 139NEWThru the Bible German
Durch die Bibel @ ttb.twr.org/german
- 140Decreased by 79First Love Church HQ
First Love Conversations
- 141Decreased by 118christliche-gemeinde-reutigen.ch
Christliche Gemeinde Reutigen
- 142Decreased by 103Faith Matters Foundation
Faith Matters
- 143Decreased by 129Carew Ellington
Carew Ellington Podcast
- 144Decreased by 92BibleProject Podcast
- 145Decreased by 108J.John
The J.John Podcast
- 146Decreased by 131Charisma Podcast Network
Expect A Miracle with Richard Roberts
- 147Decreased by 128Oliver Dürr, Nicolas Matter, Niklas Walder, Deborah Matter
Glaube und Gesellschaft
- 148Decreased by 121ERF - Der Sinnsender
ERF Plus - Das Gespräch
- 149Decreased by 116Elke Mölle
Erfüllt leben - Ein Podcast mit Elke Mölle
- 150Increased by 13Detlef Kühlein
Matthäus – bibletunes.de
- 151NEWBayless Conley
Antworten mit Bayless Conley
- 152Decreased by 114With Paige Hanna
Heavenly Ever After
- 153Decreased by 133Lukas P. Huber und Anna Näf
Aufwärts stolpern
- 154Decreased by 120Claves
- 155Decreased by 119Radio Predication
Les prédications à la demande
- 156NEWchurch alive
Church Alive
- 157Decreased by 127Good Faith
Good Faith
- 158NEWVideo Brothers Music
Marcin Zieliński
- 159Decreased by 138Jens Kaldewey
Römerbrief – bibletunes.de
- 160Decreased by 120She Works His Way
she works His way podcast
- 161Decreased by 137Mark DeJesus
The Healing & Freedom Journey
- 162Decreased by 145Barb Raveling
The Christian Habits Podcast
- 163Decreased by 141Romina Huhs
Der Löwe von Juda
- 164NEWArise Germany
Der Bibel-Podcast
- 165Decreased by 123Bridgetown Church
Bridgetown Video Podcast
- 166NEWJoanna Weaver
The Living Room with Joanna Weaver
- 167Decreased by 139The Apostolic Faith Church
Apostolic Faith Daily Devotional
- 168Decreased by 139Faith Community Church
Faith Community Church - Cornerstone
- 169Decreased by 137Guadalupe Radio Network
We Sing Our Faith
- 170Decreased by 135Guillaume
- 171NEWHoly Trinity Publications
Jordanville Readings
- 172Decreased by 128Faith Community Church
Faith Community Church - Sojourners
- 173Decreased by 128Nick Page & Joe Davis
Mid-faith Crisis
- 174NEWAbide Bible Sleep Meditation
Abide Bible Sleep Meditation
- 175NEWNicola Vollkommer
Start in den Tag
- 176Decreased by 121Adelaide Heward-Mills
Adelaide Heward-Mills
- 177NEWSusan Merrill & Heather Rubio
Bible Book Club
- 178Decreased by 11crosstalk
- 179Decreased by 92
Edwin Morgan Ogoe - Youth Audio Podcast
- 180Decreased by 122flcukaudio
First Love Church UK - Audio
- 181Decreased by 125Ally Yost
Christ With Coffee On Ice
Prières inspirées EMCI TV
- 183NEWBethel Redding Translations
Bethel Redding Predigt der Woche
- 184Decreased by 89Youth Group Chronicles
Youth Group Chronicles: Blind Reacting to Crazy Youth Ministry Stories
- 185Increased by 10radio horeb
- 186Decreased by 136ICF Zürich
Sunday Night ON AIR
- 187Decreased by 125Nicholas Duncan-Williams Ministries
The Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams Podcast
- 188Decreased by 128DagPreaching
Dag Heward-Mills - Collections
- 189Increased by 2Ligonier Ministries
Renewing Your Mind
- 190Decreased by 139radio horeb
- 191Decreased by 112Orthodox Christian Teaching
WORDS OF LIFE: Daily Orthodox Christian Discipleship
- 192Decreased by 124Moody Radio
Building Relationships
- 193NEWHank Smith & John Bytheway
- 194Decreased by 127Orthodox Christian Teaching
- 195Decreased by 126Orthodox Christian Teaching
Daily Catechism of the Orthodox Church
- 196Decreased by 143Keith Moore
Faith Life Church with Keith Moore (Audio)
- 197Decreased by 140Ecclesia Church
Ecclesia Church Podcast
- 198Decreased by 133SERBIAN ORTHODOX
- 199Decreased by 135Anthony Perretta
- 200Decreased by 134Dag Heward-Mills
Dag Heward-Mills Video Podcast