AJ Hogeと一緒に、学ぶことを楽しく効果的にするミニストーリーを取り入れた魅力的な英語レッスンに参加しましょう。EffortlessEnglishClub.comでのみ利用可能です。
Hi, this is AJ, welcome to our next lesson. This one is called "Excitement." We're going to talk about excitement and I'm going to read a little section from a book called The 4-Hour Work Week, which
7 mins • Oct 20, 2021
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Oct 20, 2021
Hi, this is AJ, welcome to our next lesson. This one is called "Excitement." We're going to talk about excitement and I'm going to read a little section from a book called The 4-Hour Work Week, which
7 mins

Oct 20, 2021
Hello, this is AJ, welcome to the vocabulary lesson for "Excitement." Let's start. Our first word is specificity, specificity, a little difficult to pronounce, specificity. In fact,
17 mins

Oct 20, 2021
Hi, this is AJ, welcome to the point of view mini-stories for "Excitement." Let's get started.
11 mins

Oct 20, 2021
There was a guy named Brad. Brad was a student. Brad was a poor student, he needed money for school.
16 mins

Oct 16, 2021
Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for "The Art of Power." Let's get started right away, here we go.
16 mins

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