Junte-se ao nosso podcast semanal enquanto recapitulamos as discussões mais quentes do Video Game Open Coffee Club e destacamos eventos empolgantes que acontecem em DFW e além.
Episode 61: Walkouts, Dev Responsibility, and the Game Jam News!
57 mins • May 8, 2019
This show is not currently ranked in any charts.
Episódios recentes

May 8, 2019
Episode 61: Walkouts, Dev Responsibility, and the Game Jam News!
57 mins

May 1, 2019
Episode 60: The Epic Store's Epic Move of Epicness, Alzheimer's and Gaming, and Taking a Trip in the Go-Oglee Machine
52 mins

Apr 24, 2019
Episode 59: Newsflash: Crunch is Bad and GameStop has a Plan!
50 mins

Apr 17, 2019
Episode 58: Sometimes things get crunchy, but do they always have to be so difficult?
55 mins

Mar 27, 2019
Episode 57: GDC talk, Stadia talk, and how we learned to stop worrying and love the Epic Store
E57 • 65 mins

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