London School of Economics and Political Science

LSE Gender Institute Podcasts

Erleben Sie spannende Diskussionen über Geschlecht, Macht und soziale Gerechtigkeit in Podcasts, die sich mit Fragen der Ungleichheit und Ermächtigung befassen.

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Barrister Christine Chinkin, LSE Emerita Professor of International Law, reflects on the Commission's cross-cutting theme of violence against women [Audio]

9 mins • Jul 17, 2015

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Jul 17, 2015

Barrister Christine Chinkin, LSE Emerita Professor of International Law, reflects on the Commission's cross-cutting theme of violence against women [Audio]

9 mins

Jul 17, 2015

Saphieh Ashtiany, leading solicitor and Gender, Inequality and Power Commission Law Commissioner, reflects on the Commission's cross-cutting theme of rights [Audio]

11 mins

Jul 17, 2015

Stephanie Seguino discusses her lecture on Race, Gender and Austerity as part of the Commission on Gender, Inequality and Power [Audio]

9 mins

Jun 2, 2015

Ania Plomien, Assistant Professor in Gender and Social Science at the LSE Gender Institute, reflects on the Commission’s crossing-cutting theme of work-life balance [Audio]

13 mins

May 28, 2015

Dr Anita Biressi, Reader in Media Cultures at the University of Roehampton, talks about the importance of hearing the voices of ordinary women [Audio]

9 mins

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