London School of Economics and Political Science

LSE Gender Institute Podcasts

Écoutez des discussions sur le genre, le pouvoir et la justice sociale à travers des podcasts captivants qui traitent des inégalités et de l'autonomisation.

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Barrister Christine Chinkin, LSE Emerita Professor of International Law, reflects on the Commission's cross-cutting theme of violence against women [Audio]

9 mins • Jul 17, 2015

Épisodes récents

Jul 17, 2015

Barrister Christine Chinkin, LSE Emerita Professor of International Law, reflects on the Commission's cross-cutting theme of violence against women [Audio]

9 mins

Jul 17, 2015

Saphieh Ashtiany, leading solicitor and Gender, Inequality and Power Commission Law Commissioner, reflects on the Commission's cross-cutting theme of rights [Audio]

11 mins

Jul 17, 2015

Stephanie Seguino discusses her lecture on Race, Gender and Austerity as part of the Commission on Gender, Inequality and Power [Audio]

9 mins

Jun 2, 2015

Ania Plomien, Assistant Professor in Gender and Social Science at the LSE Gender Institute, reflects on the Commission’s crossing-cutting theme of work-life balance [Audio]

13 mins

May 28, 2015

Dr Anita Biressi, Reader in Media Cultures at the University of Roehampton, talks about the importance of hearing the voices of ordinary women [Audio]

9 mins

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