Keopanya Sengsoulivong

English Around The World

Nehmen Sie an Gesprächen mit Gästen aus aller Welt teil, die ihre Kulturen und spannende Themen teilen. Lernen Sie Englisch und entdecken Sie neue Perspektiven!

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EP13: Vansy is from L _ _ _ which is the only landlocked country in South East Asia

16 mins • Jan 18, 2021

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Jan 18, 2021

EP13: Vansy is from L _ _ _ which is the only landlocked country in South East Asia

16 mins

Nov 30, 2020

EP12: K is from M _ _ _ _ _ _ which is also known as B _ _ _ _

15 mins

Oct 25, 2020

EP11: Henry is from P_ _ _ _ N_W_ _ _ _ _ _ which occupies the eastern part of the world's second largest island

14 mins

Sep 28, 2020

EP10: Shawn is from BA_ _ _ _D_ _ _ where the longest beach in the world is found.

10 mins

Sep 20, 2020

Ep9: Manu is from I_ _ _ _ where the pizza is invented

21 mins

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