Keopanya Sengsoulivong

English Around The World

Participez à des discussions avec des invités internationaux qui partagent leurs cultures et échangent sur des sujets passionnants. Apprenez l'anglais grâce à ces perspectives !

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EP13: Vansy is from L _ _ _ which is the only landlocked country in South East Asia

16 mins • Jan 18, 2021

Épisodes récents

Jan 18, 2021

EP13: Vansy is from L _ _ _ which is the only landlocked country in South East Asia

16 mins

Nov 30, 2020

EP12: K is from M _ _ _ _ _ _ which is also known as B _ _ _ _

15 mins

Oct 25, 2020

EP11: Henry is from P_ _ _ _ N_W_ _ _ _ _ _ which occupies the eastern part of the world's second largest island

14 mins

Sep 28, 2020

EP10: Shawn is from BA_ _ _ _D_ _ _ where the longest beach in the world is found.

10 mins

Sep 20, 2020

Ep9: Manu is from I_ _ _ _ where the pizza is invented

21 mins

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