Harshavardhan Varma


Begleiten Sie Harshavardhan Varma, der spannende Fakten über das Universum erforscht und Schülermeinungen einbezieht, um die Neugier junger Köpfe zu fördern.

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Looking back in time - The James Webb Space telescope | CurioCast (S02; Ep. 01)

S2 E1 • 12 mins • May 27, 2022

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May 27, 2022

Looking back in time - The James Webb Space telescope | CurioCast (S02; Ep. 01)

S2 E1 • 12 mins

May 15, 2020

Mysteries and Theories of The Bermuda Triangle (&) The Alaska Triangle - CurioCast (Ep. 05)

S1 E5 • 32 mins

May 8, 2020

Do 'Aliens' Exist? (or) are we Alone?, Saving our Planet & Space Exploration - CurioCast (Ep. 04)

22 mins

May 2, 2020

Asteroid 1998 OR2 (&)What are - Asteroids, Comets and [Meteoroids, Meteors & Meteorites] - CurioCast (Ep. 03)

S1 E3 • 12 mins

Apr 24, 2020

Why Stars Shine & How They Were Born - CurioCast (Ep. 02)

S1 E2 • 22 mins

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