Harshavardhan Varma


Unisciti al conduttore Harshavardhan Varma mentre esplora fatti intriganti sull'universo, mescolando scienza con le intuizioni degli studenti per ispirare curiosità nelle giovani menti.

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Looking back in time - The James Webb Space telescope | CurioCast (S02; Ep. 01)

S2 E1 • 12 mins • May 27, 2022

Episodi recenti

May 27, 2022

Looking back in time - The James Webb Space telescope | CurioCast (S02; Ep. 01)

S2 E1 • 12 mins

May 15, 2020

Mysteries and Theories of The Bermuda Triangle (&) The Alaska Triangle - CurioCast (Ep. 05)

S1 E5 • 32 mins

May 8, 2020

Do 'Aliens' Exist? (or) are we Alone?, Saving our Planet & Space Exploration - CurioCast (Ep. 04)

22 mins

May 2, 2020

Asteroid 1998 OR2 (&)What are - Asteroids, Comets and [Meteoroids, Meteors & Meteorites] - CurioCast (Ep. 03)

S1 E3 • 12 mins

Apr 24, 2020

Why Stars Shine & How They Were Born - CurioCast (Ep. 02)

S1 E2 • 22 mins

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