Nizza Regalado

Beyond the Books with Nizza Regalado

Dieser Podcast ist eine erfrischende Auszeit für Medizinstudenten und -profis, die sich auf das Leben nach dem Studium konzentriert. Begleite Nizza und ihre Freunde in spannenden Gesprächen.

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Ep. 2 Part 2 - Jasper Vijar on hosting Miss Universe Iloilo, education as a right, and finding his why

77 mins • Oct 31, 2020

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Oct 31, 2020

Ep. 2 Part 2 - Jasper Vijar on hosting Miss Universe Iloilo, education as a right, and finding his why

77 mins

Oct 27, 2020

Ep. 2 Part 1 - Jasper Vijar on being an average med student, running a student council and a non-government organization, being a content creator, and advocating for HIV awareness and sex positivity

S1 E2 • 66 mins

Oct 17, 2020

Ep. 1 - Kathy Bersola on balancing med school, professional volleyball, sisterhood, advocacy work, and nation-building

S1 E1 • 70 mins

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