Apple Podcasts – Suiza – Deportes
Los mejores podcasts en Suiza de las clasificaciones de Apple Podcasts para Deportes.
- 1Increased by 7Tamedia
Dritte Halbzeit
- 2Increased by 1Blick: Tobias Wedermann, Florian Raz
FORZA! - der Fussballpodcast der Schweiz
- 3Decreased by 2Tina Weirather, Marc Berthod und Michael Schweizer
Podcast am Pistenrand
- 4Increased by 5BILD
Reif ist live – Fußball Talk von BILD
- 5Increased by 0RMC
L'After Foot
- 7Decreased by 1BILD
Stammplatz – Fußball News täglich
- 8Decreased by 4Blick: Dino Kessler, Raphael Walser
SCHLIIFTS? - der Eishockey-Podcast der Schweiz
- 9Decreased by 7Coumba Sow, Meriame Terchoun, Raphael Drobi
- 10Decreased by 3Blick: Marcel W. Perren
APRÈS-SKI - der Skipodcast der Schweiz
- 11Decreased by 1Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)
Sykora Gisler
- 12Increased by 0SPORT1, Florian König, Ruth Hofmann und Katharina Kleinfeldt
Der STAHLWERK Doppelpass
- 13Decreased by 2Thomas Roost & Matthias Röthlisberger
Roost Röthlisberger - Hockey Talk
- 14Increased by 3Tommi Schmitt & Studio Bummens
Copa TS
- 15Increased by 24Sky Sport
Sky90 - die Fußballdebatte
- 16Increased by 18RMC
Rothen s'enflamme
- 17Increased by 65CH Media
- 18Increased by 60COPE
El Partidazo de COPE
- 19Increased by 37Wondery
50+2 - Der Fussballpodcast mit Nico & Niklas
- 20Decreased by 1Goalhanger
The Rest Is Football
- 21Increased by 17RMC
Super Moscato Show
- 22Increased by 19The Guardian
Football Weekly
- 23NEWMicky Beisenherz, Maik Nöcker, Lucas Vogelsang
- 24Increased by 26The Ringer
The Bill Simmons Podcast
- 25Decreased by 12HC Rychenberg Winterthur
Unihockey Uncut
- 26Increased by 18Michelle Gisin und Sean Weber by Engelberg-Titlis
Heb de Schlitte
- 27Increased by 93präsentiert von OCHSNER SPORT
- 28Decreased by 2Arnaud Manzanini
ULTRA TALK by Arnaud Manzanini
- 29Increased by 3BILD
Bayern Insider
- 30Decreased by 2Sunday Night Productions
Dans la Tête d'un Coureur
- 31NEWSky Sport, Wolff Fuss, Thomas Wagner, Frank Buschmann
Glanzparade – die Show mit Buschmann, Fuss und Wagner
- 32Decreased by 18blue Entertainment AG
Heimspiel ⎥ Der Fussball-Talk
- 33Increased by 2Moritz Bill & Michael Krein
Flip Pass: Der Podcast über den EHC Biel
- 34Decreased by 3SER Podcast
El Larguero
- 35Decreased by 2Anton Rinas und Antonijo Tabak
ViscaTabak - Der Fußball Podcast
- 36NEWSky Sport
Transfer Update - der Podcast
- 37Increased by 9Laurie Gonguet
Culotte & TRAIL
- 38Increased by 34Caroline Garcia & Borja Duran
Tennis Insider Club
- 39Increased by 105Maik Nöcker, Lena Cassel, MML
- 40Increased by 40Cold Facts
Cold Facts
- 41NEWVandaag Inside
Vandaag Inside
- 42Increased by 122Rick Zabel
Plan Z
- 43Decreased by 14EVZ / Thomy Jeker
Hertitalk - Der EVZ Podcast
- 44Increased by x podlabel
Basler Ballert - Der Podcast powered by
- 45NEWRasenfunk
Rasenfunk – Bundesliga | Männer
- 46Increased by 6Richard Weinzheimer, Tobias Knaup, Max Walscheid
Radio RTW
- 47Decreased by 4Wake Word Studios / RTL+
11 Leben – Die Welt von Lothar Matthäus
- 48NEWSascha Roos, Peter Hardenacke, Sandra Baumgartner
Backstage Boxengasse - Der Formel 1 Podcast von Sky
- 49Decreased by 28Gutzi & Dömer
- 50Decreased by 28Lanterne Rouge Media, SL
Lanterne Rouge Cycling Podcast
- 51Decreased by 35Stephan Gutknecht & Kevin Wandji Tchatat
Basilisk Penalty-Podcast
- 52Decreased by 10Tamedia
- 53Increased by 11011FREUNDE / RTL+
11FREUNDE täglich
- 54NEWBBC Radio 5 Live
Rugby Union Weekly
- 55NEWSigma Sports
Sigma Sports presents Matt Stephens Unplugged
- 56Decreased by 16Nico Heymer, Christoph Kröger, Niklas Levinsohn
- 57NEWFCL.Radio
- 58Decreased by 33Bastian Marks, Andreas Stauff, Paul Voß
Besenwagen - der Radsport Podcast
- 59Decreased by 23Toni Kroos, Felix Kroos & Studio Bummens
Einfach mal Luppen
- 60Decreased by 42BBC Radio 5 Live
Football on Trial: The Manchester City Charges
- 61Increased by 82Sportschau
Sportschau F – Inspirierende Frauen aus dem Sport
- 62NEW© 2025
Starting Grid
- 63Decreased by 6BBC Radio 5 Live
Football Daily
- 64Decreased by 44La Liberté Podcast
Point de vue
- 65NEWManni Sedlbauer, Oliver Müller
Die Dortmund-Woche. Mit Manni Sedlbauer und Oliver Müller | BVB-Podcast
- 66NEWLennart & Lukas
- 67Decreased by 5Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris
Objectif Marathon
- 68Decreased by 21Pushing Limits
Pushing Limits Podcast
- 69Increased by 119Ulligunde
Ulligunde (p)lauscht
- 70Decreased by 47Sebastian Fenske und Florian Wolske
STINT - Der Formel 1 Podcast
- 71Increased by 65Ewald Lienen, Michael Born
- 72Decreased by 48Christoph Strasser, Florian Kraschitzer & Podcastwerkstatt
- 73Decreased by 43Robert Klink & Sebastian Bräuer
Zeltgespräche - Der Podcast für mehr Outdoor im Alltag
- 74Increased by 26RMC
Julien Cazarre
- 75NEWDaniel Roth und Katrin Schäfer
Der beVegt-Podcast | vegan leben und laufen
- 76Decreased by 49Stefan Kumberger und Madeleine Etti
Die Bayern-Woche. Mit Stefan Kumberger und Madeleine Etti | FC Bayern-Podcast
- 77NEWThomas Wagner und Mike Kleiss
Der Fußball-Podcast mit Thomas Wagner und Mike Kleiss
- 78Decreased by 14Philipp Rüegg und Jonas Gabrieli
Schützewiese – de FC-Winterthur-Podcast
- 79Increased by 48bwinPortugal
Falsos Lentos
- 80Increased by 32Lance Armstrong
- 81NEWWWE Wrestling
- 82Increased by 98The Athletic
The Totally Football Show with James Richardson
- 83NEWFreeride Flo & Toffer
Rollercoaster Meets
- 84NEWESPN, College Football, Paul Finebaum
The Paul Finebaum Show
- 85NEWNolio
Secrets d'endurance
- 86NEWStéphane Demierre
L’école de la course à pied
- 87NEWLetsFightMMA
- 88Increased by 27Weirather, Berthod, Schweizer
Podcast am Pistenrand - ARCHIV
- 90NEWHobby Golfer Jens Zielinski, Golf Coach Florian Fritsch, Golf Profi Bernd Ritthammer
Tee Time - der Golf Podcast
- 91Increased by 44CyclingMagazine Podcast
CyclingMagazine | Der Radsport-Podcast
- 92Decreased by 15Stak
P1 with Matt and Tommy
On connait nos classiques : Le podcast cyclisme
- 94NEWSportsnet
32 Thoughts: The Podcast
- 95Increased by 102Ingo Engelhardt und Niclas Bock
- 96Decreased by 59JM^2
Labern und Laktat
- 97Decreased by 48Nici Schmidhofer & Conny Hütter
Wos dahinter steckt
- 98Increased by 98SC Bern
- 99Decreased by 1RMC
RMC Running
- 100Decreased by 40Marvin Neumann, Torben Müller
PACE – der Ausdauerpodcast
- 101Decreased by 50BILD
Phrasenmäher - Fußball Talk mit Henning Feindt und André Albers
- 103NEWKieftJansenEgmondGijp
- 104Decreased by 28TSN 1050 Radio
- 105NEWBertrand Soulier - Hamsters Running Club
KM42 — Courir Mode d'Emploi (course à pied, préparation mentale, motivation)
- 106Increased by 89The Cycling Podcast
The Cycling Podcast
- 107Increased by
No Laying Up - Golf Podcast
- 108NEWROADBIKE Magazin
Faszination Rennrad - der ROADBIKE-Podcast
- 109NEWLorenz Barazetti und Nik Dömer
Stehplatz Brügglifeld
- 110Decreased by 40Adrian Franke & Christoph Kröger / RTL +
Down Set Talk! - Der NFL Podcast von RTL
- 111Decreased by 36COPE
Tiempo de Juego
- 112NEWGuillaume - Le Basket Lab
Le Basket Lab (NBA Podcast)
- 113Increased by 3Crowd Network
Geraint Thomas Cycling Club
- 114NEWFOX Sports
First Things First
- 115Decreased by 67Max Kruse, Martin Harnik & MML
- 116NEWTip & Shaft
Into The Wind
- 117NEWSascha Staat, Dirk Krampe, Jürgen Koers, Kevin Pinnow, Cedric Gebhardt
BVB-Podcast - Der Experten-Talk der Ruhr Nachrichten
- 118Decreased by 57Nina Potzel, Miriam Sinno
Frauen. Fußball. Podcast.
- 119Decreased by 48The Athletic
The Athletic NBA Daily
- 120Decreased by 66Joel Filliol
Real Coaching Podcast
- 121NEWMira Müller-Steinmann & Josephin Büttner
Pferde Gut, Alles Gut.
- 122Decreased by 64Herve Pauchon
La Balado de Pauchon
- 123NEWSky Sports
Sky Sports Golf Podcast
- 124Increased by 0Sunday Night Productions
Dans la Tête d'un Cycliste
- 125NEWESPN, NBA, Brian Windhorst
Brian Windhorst & The Hoop Collective
Bartoli Time
- 127Decreased by 62Achilles Running
- 128Decreased by 20NFL
NFL Daily with Gregg Rosenthal
- 129NEWAlex Truica & Nils Kern
TIKI TAKA – Der LaLiga-Podcast
- 130NEWWinamax
- 131NEWSüddeutsche Zeitung
Und nun zum Sport
- 132Decreased by 69FC Bayern München
FC Bayern Podcast
- 133NEWJenny und Chris Berdrow
Der Pferdepodcast
- 134NEWBiathlon mit Ron
Extrarunde - Der Biathlon Podcast
- 135NEWAlexander Meisolle
Schnellerwerden - Der Lauf und Marathonpodcast
- 136Decreased by 81Campus Coach
Campus Talk
- 137NEWSky Sports
The Sky Sports Football Podcast
Pleine Lucarne
After Angleterre
- 140Decreased by 73Lu-Glidz
Podz-Glidz. Der Lu-Glidz Podcast
- 141NEWChris Grenier
The Bomb Hole
- 142NEWJule Bartsch, Anna, Bruder, Frank Wechsel, Björn Geesmann
power & pace | Triathlon-Training by
- 143Decreased by 48Agency 12
Agency 12
- 144NEWFantasy Football
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
- 145NEWMaximilian Lang & Alex King
- 146NEW
L'ascia raddoppia
- 147NEW© 2025
- 148NEWBSC Young Boys
- 149Decreased by 81RTL+ / 11FREUNDE
Zeigler & Köster - Der Fußball-Podcast von 11FREUNDE
- 150NEWLyndon Viglino, Cyrill Pasche & Laurent Kleisl
La StammTisch - Le Grand Débrief du HC Bienne
- 151NEWDanger und Goggi
FC Aarau Fan-Podcast
- 152NEWStak
Football Ramble
- 153NEWChixxs on Board
Chixxs on Board Podcast
- 154NEWThe Black Effect and iHeartPodcasts
All The Smoke
- 155NEWStefan Büsser und Manuel Rothmund
Ehrenrunde - der Fussball Podcast
- 156NEWMatt Breizh
- 157NEWPetra Haubner
Pferdeflüsterei TO GO! Für Pferdemenschen mit Herz
- 159NEWBlick: Emanuel Gisi, Dino Kessler
Blick: Pro und Konter
- 160NEWCronache di spogliatoio
Fontana di Trevi
- 161NEWThe Rich Eisen Show | Cumulus Podcast Network
The Rich Eisen Show
- 162Decreased by 51Golf in Leicht
Golf in Leicht - Der Podcast rund um dein Golfspiel mit Fabian Bünker
- 163Decreased by 42Formula 1
F1: Beyond The Grid
- 164NEWGarmin
Beat Yesterday - der Garmin-Podcast mit Kai Tutschke
- 165NEWThe Overlap
The Overlap Breakdown: The Football Tactics Show
- 166NEWJames Graham
The Bye Round With James Graham
- 167NEWTrevor May & MCA Media
Mayday! with Trevor May
- 168NEWNational Lacrosse League
NLL Box Out with Maki & Coop
- 169NEWEuan Leith
F1 Fantasy Pole Position
- 170NEWJoe Negron
Smart Wrestling Fan
- 171NEWKarl Schwarzenbrunner, Julia Eisenrieder
DEB Eishockey-Trainerausbildung I COACH THE COACH Podcast
- 172NEWAS Roma
AS Roma Podcast
- 173Decreased by 107Brüder Popken
Plattfuß- der Triathlon und Radsport Podcast
- 174Decreased by 60ESPN
- 175NEWVincent Prévost
- 176Decreased by 103Ingo Quendler, André Werk
ENJOYYOURBIKE - Radsport, Gravelbike, Triathlon & Bikepacking
- 177NEWMagentaSport
4zu3 - der 3. Liga Podcast
- 178NEWTom Gellie
Big Picture Skiing Podcast
- 179NEWDie Flitzpiepen
Hey Flitzpiepe - Dein Podcast für Sport und Training
- 180NEWInt. Ocean Film Tour & Max von Nitzsch
GOOD FRIENDS & GREAT ADVENTURES - Int. Ocean Film Tour Stories
- 181NEWVieri Capretta
Millennial Viola
- 182NEWLucas Vogt - ESM-ACADEMY
Sportmanagement inside - Persönlichkeiten aus dem Sportbusiness
- 183Decreased by 99Lea Meister und Nora Vogler
MVP - Meister Vogler Podcast
- 184Decreased by 98Andreas Butz, Laufcampus
- 185Decreased by 93Running Addict
Endorphine par Running Addict
- 186Decreased by 107Bergwelten
Bergwelten – Höhen und Tiefen
- 187NEWEurosport Discovery
Eurosport Football Club
- 188NEWChris Miller
The Nero Show
- 189Decreased by
Sportschau Tourfunk
- 190Decreased by 89Barthelemy Fendt
Extraterrien - Sport
- 191Decreased by 102Cyril Forestier
COURIR MIEUX par Cyril Forestier
- 192NEWWiloo
- 193Decreased by 108Domi, Jan, Sam und Dario
- 194Decreased by 120The Race Media Ltd
The Race F1 Podcast
- 195NEWEiner rennt Einer hinterher
Einer rennt Einer hinterher
- 196NEWAndré Voigt
Got Nexxt – Der NBA und Basketball Podcast
- 197NEWFootballerei
- 198Decreased by 12Swiss Track Check
Swiss Track Check
- 199Decreased by 111Touch The Sky With Glory
Paragliding Atlas by Aninder Singh
Arseblog Arsecast, The Arsenal Podcast