ITV News

Acting Prime Minister

Únete al Editor de Noticias del Reino Unido de ITV, Paul Brand, mientras invita a invitados a compartir sus visiones sobre liderazgo y políticas en una exploración atractiva de los asuntos actuales.

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LGBT+ campaigner Jayne Ozanne on surviving conversion therapy and getting it banned

35 mins • May 13, 2021

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May 13, 2021

LGBT+ campaigner Jayne Ozanne on surviving conversion therapy and getting it banned

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Apr 22, 2021

Labour is 'turning around the tanker', says frontbencher Rachel Reeves

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Mar 25, 2021

Pimlico Plumbers boss Charlie Mullins on vaccine passports, sacking half the cabinet and marrying Margaret Thatcher

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Mar 11, 2021

Who is Labour's shadow home secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds?

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Feb 24, 2021

'I'd fire all the men': Amber Rudd on why she'd have an all female Cabinet

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