The Law Society

Human rights

Explora pódcast perspicaces que destacan problemas y desarrollos actuales de derechos humanos, tanto en el Reino Unido como en todo el mundo, fomentando la concienciación y la discusión.

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Identifying a victim of modern slavery – and what to do about it

21 mins • Jul 3, 2019

Episodios recientes

Jul 3, 2019

Identifying a victim of modern slavery – and what to do about it

21 mins

Aug 3, 2018

Facial recognition technology - Who is watching us?

28 mins

Jun 21, 2018

Mobile phone data extraction by the police

28 mins

May 21, 2018

Forced detention, being a director of Liberty, and a look back at human rights in the early 2000s

34 mins

Apr 13, 2018

Should soldiers have the right to sue the MoD?

16 mins

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