Circle Music.UK

Dave Ambrose, legendary 60s Bassist, tells of his various experiences with top 60s rock bands

Únete a Dave Ambrose mientras comparte historias cautivadoras de sus días como bajista de bandas de rock icónicas de los años 60. Descubre la vibrante escena musical y momentos inolvidables.

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Dave Ambrose, legendary 60s bass player, tells of his early days with Hamilton King, Ray Davis and the riff

S1 E3 • 7 mins • Feb 8, 2022


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Feb 8, 2022

Dave Ambrose, legendary 60s bass player, tells of his early days with Hamilton King, Ray Davis and the riff

S1 E3 • 7 mins

Feb 7, 2022

Tom Allom, producer, tells us about recording the first Genesis album, his work with the Strawbs and the Tourists, with Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart

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Jan 21, 2022

Dave Ambrose and his experiences playing with Arthur Brown's Kingdom come

S1 E1 • 14 mins

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